Leading Safety and Compliance Services for Educational Establishments

At CORGI, we recognise the unique safety and compliance challenges faced by educational institutions, including universities with student accommodation. With over half a century of dedicated service, we are committed to ensuring that educational environments are safe, compliant, and conducive to learning. Our expertise extends to the big 6 compliance areas: Gas, Electrical, Asbestos, Fire, Water Safety (Legionella), and LOLER (Lifts), and we are at the forefront of addressing emerging issues such as damp and mould.

Tailored Consultancy for Educational Establishments

Our consultancy services are specifically designed to address the safety and compliance needs of educational institutions. We offer:

DSEAR Compliance: Comprehensive risk assessments to discharge your obligations under the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR)

Management Audits: Comprehensive reviews of your current safety policies and procedures, ensuring they meet the stringent standards required in educational settings.

Guidance and Advice: Expert insights into navigating the complex landscape of educational safety regulations, including the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, and the Education (School Premises) Regulations 2012.

Policy and Procedure Support: Assistance in developing and implementing robust policies and procedures that meet the specific needs of educational environments.

Management Oversight: Strategies to ensure effective oversight, regular review, and adherence to safety measures, crucial for the protection of students and staff.

Monitoring and Adherence: Tools and techniques to monitor compliance with educational standards and legal obligations.

A Deep Pool of Expertise in Education

Our team comprises seasoned consultants with experience in the educational sector. They understand the unique challenges and responsibilities of maintaining safety in educational environments, from primary schools to universities with extensive student accommodation.

Why Choose CORGI for Educational Establishments?

Proven Track Record: 50+ years of experience in safety and compliance, with a special focus on the needs of educational institutions

Breadth and Depth of Expertise: A wide range of services covering all critical compliance areas, tailored to the educational sector

Tailored Solutions: Customised consultancy that addresses the unique challenges and needs of educational establishments

Commitment to Excellence: A relentless pursuit of quality, safety, and compliance, ensuring your institution meets all legal obligations and standards

Ensuring a Safe Learning and Living Environment

Partner with CORGI to ensure that your educational establishment is not just meeting the basic requirements of safety and compliance, but exceeding them. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in creating a safer, more compliant learning environment for your students and staff.

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